School of Life Sciences

Teaching and Learning Projects

-Engaging Research Postgraduate (RPG) Students to Develop and Produce Micro-Modules for Protein Trafficking, Biological Electron Microscopy and Live Cell Imaging (2022)

EXPO poster 2022

– Zoom-KEEP eLearning, discussion and assessment platform for CMBI4001/LSCI5601 (2021)

EXPO poster 2021

– Self-learning Toolkit for Undergraduate Students to Facilitate Their Understanding of the Latest Scientific Discoveries (2019)

EXPO poster 2019

– Using Flipped Classroom with Recent Research Discovery to Enhance Interactive Teaching and Learning in Protein Trafficking (2018)

EXPO poster 2018

– 3D Plant Cell Organelles via Virtual Reality (VR) Experience (2018)

EXPO poster 2018 (VR)

-Developing Video Learning Modules for Cell & Developmental Biology (2017)

EXPO poster 2017

-Developing Video Learning Modules for Cell & Developmental Biology (2016)

EXPO poster 2016

-Developing Video Learning Modules for Teaching Cell Biology

EXPO poster 2015

-Using Video Learning Modules to Study Cell & Developmental Biology (2014)

EXPO poster 2014

-Developing video learning modules for teaching & learning Cell Biology (2013)

EXPO poster 2013

-Developing an integrative teaching strategy for large class students to learn Cell Biology and beyond (2012)

EXPO poster 2012

-Using Clickers in Learning Cell Biology (BIO2120) (2011)

EXPO poster 2011

-Using Clickers in Learning Cell Biology (BIO 2120) (2009)


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