School of Life Sciences

Full List of Publications of Prof. Jiang's Group


  1. Jiang L* and Sun SSM (2002) Membrane anchors for vacuolar targeting: application in plant bioreactors. Trends in Biotechnology 20(3): 99-102. (Cover article)
  2. Li YB, Rogers SW, Tse YC, Lo SW, Sun SSM, Jauh GY and Jiang L* (2002) BP-80 and homologs are concentrated on post-Golgi, probable lytic prevacuolar compartments. Plant & Cell Physiology 43(7): 726-742.
  3. Jiang L, A Erickson and Rogers JC* (2002) Multivesicular bodies: a mechanism to package lytic and storage function in one organelle? Trends in Cell Biology 12(8): 362-367.



  1. BOOK Chapter: Jiang L and Rogers JC* (2003) Sorting of lytic enzymes in the plant Golgi apparatus. In Annual Plant Review 9 (pp.114-140).
  2. Mo BX, Tse YC and Jiang L* (2003) Organelle identification and proteomics in plant cells. Trends in Biotechnology 21(8): 331-332.
  3. Sohn EJ, Kim ES, Zhao M, Kim SJ, Kim HR, Kim YW, Lee YJ, Hillier S, Son U, Jiang L, and Hwang I* (2003) Rha1, an Arabidopsis Rab5 homolog, plays a critical role in the vacuolar trafficking of soluble cargo proteins. Plant Cell 15(5): 1057-1070.
  4. Jin JB, Bae H, Kim SJ, Go C, Kim DH, Lee YJ, Tse YC, Jiang L and Hwang I* (2003) The Arabidopsis dynamin-like proteins, ADL1C and ADL1E, play a critical role in mitochondrial morphogenesis. Plant Cell 15(10): 2357-2369.



  1. Tse YC, Mo BX, Hillmer S, Zhao M, Lo SW, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2004) Identification of multivesicular bodies as prevacuolar compartments in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cells. Plant Cell 16(3): 672-693.
  2. Wang ML, Hsu CM, Chang LC, Wang CS, Su TH, Huang YJ, Jiang L and Jauh GY* (2004) Gene expression profiles of cold-stored and fresh pollen to investigate pollen germination and growth. Plant & Cell Physiology 45(10): 1519-1528.



  1. BOOK Chapter: Lam SK, Tse YC, Jiang L*, Oliviusson P, Heinzerling L and Robinson DR (2005) Plant prevacuolar compartments and endocytosis. In J Samaj, F Baluska and D Menzel (eds.), Plant Endocytosis. Plant Cell Monographs 1 (pp.37-61). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
  2. Fung KL, Yim YF, Tse YC, Miao Y, Sun SSM and Jiang L* (2005) Targeting and processing of membrane-anchored YFP fusion proteins to protein storage vacuole in transgenic tobacco seeds. Seed Science Research 15(4): 361-364.
  3. Oufattole M, Park JH, Poxleitner M, Jiang L and Rogers JC* (2005) Selective membrane protein internalization accompanies movement from ER to protein storage vacuole. Plant Cell 17(11): 3066-3080.



  1. BOOK Chapter: Li HY and Jiang L* (2006) Seeds as bioreactors for producing biopharmaceutical. In Jaime A and Teixeira da Silva (eds.), Floriculture, ornamental and plant biotechnology: advances and topical issue (1st) 4 (pp.30-34). London, UK: Global Science Books.
  2. Oliviusson P, Heinzerling O, Hillmer S, Hinz G, Tse YC, Jiang L and Robinson DG* (2006) Plant retromer, localized to the prevacuolar compartment and microvesicles in Arabidopsis, may interact with vacuolar sorting receptors. Plant Cell 18(5): 1239-1252.
  3. Wang JQ, Miao YS and Jiang L* (2006) Response to Gomord et al: Golgi-bypassing: delivery of biopharmaceutical proteins to protein storage vacuole in plant bioreactors. Trends in Biotechnology 24(4): 147-149.
  4. BOOK Chapter: Lo SW and Jiang L* (2006) Molecular study of prevacuolar compartments in tobacco BY-2 cells. In Nagata T, Matsuoka K, and Inzé D (eds.), Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 58 (pp.153-166). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
  5. BOOK Chapter: Mo BX, Tse YC and Jiang L* (2006) Plant prevacuolar/endosomal compartments. In Jeon KW (ed.), International Review of Cytology 253 (pp.95-129). (Cover Article)
  6. MiaoY, Yan PK, Kim H, Hwang I and Jiang L* (2006) Localization of GFP Fusions with the Seven Arabidopsis Vacuolar Sorting Receptors to Prevacuolar Compartments in Tobacco BY-2 Cells. Plant Physiology 142(3): 945-962.
  7. Tse YC, Lo SW, Hillmer S, Dupree P and Jiang L* (2006) Dynamic response of prevacuolar compartments to Brefeldin A in plant cells. Plant Physiology 142(4): 1442-1459.



  1. BOOK Chapter: Wang J, Miao Y, Tse YC and Jiang L* (2007) Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Degradation in Germinating Seeds. In Adkins SC, Navie SW, and Ashmore S (eds.), Seeds: Biology, Development and Ecology (279-286). CAB International.
  2. BOOK Chapter: Tse YC, Wang J, Miao Y and Jiang L* (2007) Biogenesis of the compound seed protein storage vacuole. In Adkins SC, Navie SW, and Ashmore S (eds.), Seeds: Biology, Development and Ecology (279-286). CAB International.
  3. Lam SK, Siu CL, Hillmer S, Jang S, An G, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2007) Rice SCAMP1 Defines Clathrin-Coated, trans-Golgi-Located Tubular Vesicular Structures as an Early Endosome in Tobacco BY-2 Cells. Plant Cell 19(1): 296-319.
  4. Wang JQ, Li YB, Lo SW, Hillmer S, Sun SSM, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2007) Protein mobilization in germinating mung bean seeds involves vacuolar sorting receptors and multivesicular bodies. Plant Physiology 143(4): 1628-1639.
  5. Min MY, Kim SJ, Miao Y, Shin J, Jiang L and Hwang I* (2007) Overexpression of Arabidopsis AGD7 causes relocation of Golgi-localized proteins to the ER and inhibits protein trafficking in plant cells. Plant Physiology 143(4): 1601-1614.
  6. Tse YC, Lam SK and Jiang L* (2007) Enigmatic Brefeldin A. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2 (3): 199-202.
  7. Delhaize E, Gruber BD, Pittman JK, White RG, Leung H, Miao Y, Jiang L, Ryan PR and Richardson AE* (2007) A role for the AtMTP11 gene of Arabidopsis in manganese transport and tolerance. Plant Journal 51(2): 198-210.
  8. Lam SK, Tse YC, Miao YS, Wang JQ, Li HY, Lo SW and Jiang L* (2007) Molecular characterization of plant prevacuolar and endosomal compartments. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49 (8): 1119-1128.
  9. Miao YS and Jiang L* (2007) Transient expression of fluorescent fusion proteins in protoplasts of suspension cultured cells. Nature Protocols 2(10): 2348-2353.
  10. Lam SK, Tse YC, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2007) Tracking down the elusive early endosome. Trends in Plant Science 12(11): 497-505.
  11. Miao YS, Yang MH, Li KY, Suen PK, Shao JL, Xu JZ and Jiang L* (2007) Molecular characterization of plant vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) proteins. Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(2): 254-260.



  1. Miao YS, Ding Y, Sun QY, Xu JZ and Jiang L* (2008) Plant bioreactors for pharmaceuticals. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews (S.E. Harding, Editor) Vol 25(1): 363-380.
  2. Robinson DG, Jiang L and *Schumacher K (2008) The endosomal system of plants: Charting new and familiar territories. Plant Physiology 147(4): 1482-1492.
  3. Lam SK, Cai Y, Hillmer S, Robinson DR and Jiang L* (2008) SCAMPs highlight the developing cell plate during cytokinesis in tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant Physiology 147(4): 1637-1645.
  4. Miao YS, Li KY, Li HY, Yao XQ and Jiang L* (2008) The vacuolar transport of Aleurain-GFP and 2S Albumin-GFP Fusions is Mediated by the Same Prevacuolar Compartments in Tobacco BY-2 and Arabidopsis Suspension Cultured C Plant Journal 56(5): 824-839.



  1. Wang JQ, Suen PK, Xu ZF and Jiang L* (2009) A 64 kDa Sucrose Binding Protein is Membrane-Associated and Tonoplast-localized in Developing Mung Bean Seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(2): 629-639.
  2. Lai KW, Yau CP, Tse YC, Jiang L and Yip WK* (2009) Heterologous expression analyses of rice OsCAS in Arabidopsis and in yeast provide evidence for its roles in cyanide detoxification rather than in cysteine synthesis in vivo. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(3): 993-1008.
  3. Tse YC, Lam SK and Jiang L* (2009) Organelle identification and characterization in plant cells: using a combinational approach of confocal immunofluorescence and electron microscope. Journal of Plant Biology 52(1): 1-9.
  4. Xiao N, Kam C, Shen C, Jin W, Wang J, Lee KM, Jiang L and Xia J* (2009) PICK1 deficiency causes male infertility in mice by disrupting acrosome formation. Journal of Clinical Investigation 119(4): 802-812.
  5. Wang JQ, Miao YS, Cai Y and Jiang L* (2009) Wortmannin induces homotypic fusion of plant prevacuolar compartments. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(11): 3075-3083.
  6. Fu LH, Miao Y, Lo ZW, Seto TC, Sun SM, Xu Z, Clemens S, Clarke LA, Kermode AR and Jiang L* (2009) Production and characterization of soluble human lysosomal enzyme α-iduronidase with high activity from culture media of transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant Science 177(6): 668-675.
  7. Lam SK, Cai Y, Tse YC, Wang J, Law AH, Pimpl P, Chan HY, Xia J and Jiang L* (2009) BFA-induced compartments from Golgi apparatus and trans-Golgi network are distinct in plant cells. Plant Journal 60(5): 865-881.
  8. Niemes S, Langhans M, Viotti C, Scheuring D, San WYM, Jiang L, Hillmer S, Robinson DG and Pimpl P* (2009) Retromer recycles vacuolar sorting receptors from the trans-Golgi network. The Plant Journal 61(1): 107-121.



  1. Wang H, Tse YC, Law AH, Sun SS, Sun YB, Xu ZF, Hillmer S, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2010) Vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) and secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) are essential for pollen tube growth. The Plant Journal 61(5): 826-838.
  2. Shi L, Butt B, Ip FC, Dai Y, Jiang L, Yung WH, Greenberg ME, Fu AK and Ip NY* (2010) Ephexin1 is required for structural maturation and neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction. Neuron 65(2): 204-216.
  3. Suen PK, Shen J, Sun SSM and Jiang L* (2010) Expression and characterization of two functional vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) proteins, BP-80 and AtVSR4 from culture media of transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant Science 179(1): 68-76.
  4. Liu H, Lau E, Lam MP, Chu H, Li S, Huang G, Guo P, Wang J, Jiang L, Chu IK, Lo C and Tao Y* (2010) OsNOA1/RIF1 is a functional homolog of AtNOA1/RIF1: implication for a highly conserved plant cGTPase essential for chloroplast functions. New Phytologist 187(1): 83-105.
  5. Kim H, Kang H, Jang M, Chang JH, Miao Y, Jiang L and Hwang I* (2010) Homomeric interaction of AtVSR1 is essential for its function as a vacuolar sorting receptor. Plant Physiology 154(1): 134-148.
  6. Chen F, Gao MJ, Miao YS, Yuan YX, Wang MY, Li Q, Mao BZ, Jiang L and He ZH* (2010) Plasma Membrane Localization and Potential Endocytosis of Constitutively Expressed XA21 Proteins in Transgenic Rice. Molecular Plant 3(5): 917-926.
  7. Wang H, Rogers J and Jiang L* (2010) Plant RMR Proteins: Unique Vacuolar Sorting Receptors that Couple Ligand Sorting with Membrane Internalization. FEBS Journal 278(1): 59-68.
  8. Wang J, Ding Y, Wang JQ, Hillmer S, Miao YS, Lo SW, Wang XF, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2010) EXPO: an Exocyst-positive Organelle distinct from Multivesicular Endosomes and Autophagosomes, mediates Cytosol to Cell Wall Exocytosis in Arabidopsis and tobacco cells. Plant Cell 22(12): 4009-4030. (This paper was highly recommended by Faculty Opinions, placing this work in their library of the top 2% of published articles in Biology and Medicine)



  1. Cai Y, Jia T, Lam SK, Ding Y, Gao CJ, San WYM, Pimpl P and Jiang L* (2011) Multiple cytosolic and transmembrane determinants are required for the trafficking of SCAMP1 via an ER-Golgi-TGN-PM pathway. The Plant Journal 65(6): 882-896.
  2. Wang H and Jiang L* (2011) Transient Expression and Analysis of Fluorescent Reporter Proteins in Plant Pollen Tubes. Nature Protocols 6(4): 419-426.
  3. Wang H, Zhuang X, Hillmer S, Robinson DGand Jiang L* (2011) Vacuolar Sorting Receptor (VSR) Proteins Reach the Plasma Membrane in Germinating Pollen Tubes. Molecular Plant 4(5):845-853.
  4. Shen Y, Wang J, Ding Y, Lo SW, Gouzerh G, Neuhaus JM and Jiang L* (2011) The Rice RMR1 Associates with a Distinct Prevacuolar Compartment for the Protein Storage Vacuole Pathway. Molecular Plant 4(5): 854-868.
  5. Miao YS, Li H, Shen J and Jiang L* (2011) QUASIMODO 3 (QUA3) is a putative homogalacturonan methyltransferase regulating cell wall biosynthesis in Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells. Journal of Experimental Botany 62(14): 5063-5078.
  6. Sun QY, Ding LW, Lomonossoff GP, Sun YB, Luo M, Li CQ, Jiang L and Xu ZF* (2011) Improved expression and purification of recombinant human serum albumin from transgenic tobacco suspension culture. Journal of Biotechnology 155(2): 164-172.
  7. Zhang H, Zhang L, Gao B, Fan H, Jin J, Botella MA, Jiang L and Lin J* (2011) Golgi apparatus-localized synaptotagmin 2 is required for unconventional secretion in Arabidopsis. PLoS One 6(11): e26477.



  1. Law AHY, Chow CM and Jiang L* (2012) Secretory Carrier Membrane Proteins. Protoplasma 249(2): 269-283.
  2. Drakakaki G, van de Ven W, Pan S, Miao Y, Wang J, Keinath NF, Weatherly B, Jiang L, Schumacher K, Hicks G and Raikhel N* (2012) Isolation and proteomic analysis of the SYP61 compartment reveal its role in exocytic trafficking in Arabidopsis. Cell Research 22(2): 413-424.
  3. Wang J, Tse YC, Hinz G, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2012) Storage globulins pass through the Golgi apparatus and multivesicular bodies in the absence of dense vesicle formation during early stages of cotyledon development in mung bean. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(3): 1367-1380.
  4. He X, Galpin JD, Tropak MB, Mahuran D, Haselhorst T, von Itzstein M, Kolarich D, Packer NH, Miao Y, Jiang L, Grabowski GA, Clarke LA and Kermode AR* (2012) Production of Active Human Glucocerebrosidase in Seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana Complex-Glycan-Deficient (cgl) Plants. Glycobiology 22(4): 492-503.
  5. Sun F, Suen PK, Zhang Y, Liang C, Carrie C, Whelan J, Ward JL, Hawkins ND, Jiang L and Lim BL* (2012) A dual-targeted purple acid phosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana moderates carbon metabolism and its overexpression leads to faster plant growth and higher seed yield. New Phytologist 194(1): 206-219.
  6. Alinsug MV, Chen FF, Luo M, Tai R, Jiang L and Wu K* (2012) Subcellular Localization of Class II HDAs in Arabidopsis thaliana: Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling of HDA15 Is Driven by Light. PLoS One 7(2): e30846.
  7. Zhou Y, Chu P, Chen H, Li Y, Liu J, Ding Y, Tsang EW, Jiang L, Wu K and Huang S* (2012) Overexpression of Nelumbo nucifera metallothioneins 2a and 3 enhances seed germination vigor in Arabidopsis. Planta 235(3): 523-537.
  8. Zhou Y, Chen H, Chu P, Li Y, Tan B, Ding Y, Tsang EW, Jiang L, Wu K and Huang S* (2012) NnHSP17.5, a cytosolic class II small heat shock protein gene from Nelumbo nucifera, contributes to seed germination vigor and seedling thermotolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports 31(2): 379-389.
  9. Chen H, Chu P, Zhou Y, Li Y, Liu J, Ding Y, Tsang EWT, Jiang L, Wu K, and Huang S* (2012) Overexpression of AtOGG1, a DNA glycosylase/AP lyase, enhances seed longevity and abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(11): 4107-4121.
  10. Tse YC, Wang J and Jiang L* (2012) Multivesicular bodies in developing tobacco seed and mung bean are functionally equivalent. Plant Signal & Behavior 7(4): 450-453.
  11. Cai Y, Zhuang X, Wang J, Wang H, Lam SK, Gao C, Wang X and Jiang L* (2012) Vacuolar degradation of two integral plasma membrane proteins, AtLRR84A and OsSCAMP1, is cargo ubiquitination-independent and prevacuolar compartment-mediated in plant cells. Traffic 13(7): 1023-1040.
  12. Gao C, Yu CKY, Qu S, San MWY, Li KY, Lo SW and Jiang L* (2012) The Golgi-Localized Arabidopsis Endomembrane Protein12 Contains both Endoplasmic Reticulum Export and Golgi Retention Signals at its C terminus. Plant Cell 24(5): 2086-2104.
  13. Chu P, Chen H, Zhou Y, Li Y, Ding Y, Jiang L, Tsang EW, Wu K and Huang S* (2012) Proteomic and functional analyses of Nelumbo nucifera annexins involved in seed thermotolerance and germination vigor. Planta 235(6): 1271-1288.
  14. Ding Y, Wang J, Wang JQ, Stierhof YD, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2012) Unconventional Protein Secretion. Trends in Plant Science 17(10): 606-615. (invited review)
  15. Scheuring D, Künzl F, Viotti C, San MWY, Jiang L, Schellmann S, Robinson DG and Pimpl P* (2012) Ubiquitin initiates sorting of Golgi and plasma membrane proteins into the vacuolar degradation pathway. BMC Plant Biology 12(1): 164.
  16. Yang J, Zhao X, Cheng K, Du H, Ouyang Y, Chen J, Qiu S, Huang J, Jiang Y, Jiang L, Ding J, Wang J, Xu C, Li X and Zhang Q* (2012) A Killer-Protector System Regulates Both Hybrid Sterility and Segregation Distortion in Rice. Science 337(6100): 1336-1340.
  17. Qi P, Lin Y, Song X, Shen J, Huang W Shan J, Zhu M, Jiang L, Gao J and Lin H* (2012) A novel quantitative trait locus 1 controls rice grain size and yield by regulating Cyclin-T1;3. Cell Research 22(12): 1666-1680.
  18. Wen X, Zhang C, Ji Y, Zhao Q, He W, An F, Jiang L and Guo H* (2012) Activation of Ethylene Signaling Is Mediated by Nuclear Translocation of the Cleaved EIN2 Carboxyl Terminus. Cell Research 22(11): 1613-1616.
  19. BOOK Chapter: Law AHY, Shen J and Jiang L* (2012) SCAMP, VSR, and Plant Endocytosis. In Šamaj J (ed.), Endocytosis in Plant (217-231). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.



  1. Cao M, Mao Z, Kam C, Xiao N, Cao X, Shen C, Cheng KKY, Xu A, Lee KM, Jiang L and Xia J* (2013) PICK1 and ICA69 Control Insulin Granule Trafficking and Their Deficiencies Lead to Imsupaired Glucose Tolerance. PLoS Biology 11(4): e1001541.
  2. Zhou LZ, Li S, Feng QN, Zhang YL, Zhao XY, Zeng YL, Wang H, Jiang L and Zhang Y* (2013) PROTEIN S-ACYL TRANSFERASE10 Is Critical for Development and Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25(3): 1093-1107.
  3. Li S, Liu L, Zhuang X, Yu Y, Liu X, Pan Z, Raikhel N, Jiang L and Chen X* (2013) MicroRNAs inhibit the translation of target mRNAs on the endoplasmic reticulum in Arabidopsis. Cell 153(3): 562-574.
  4. Wang J, Shen J, Cai Y, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2013) Successful transport to the vacuole of heterologously expressed mung bean 8S globulin occurs in seed but not in vegetative tissues. Journal of Experimental Botany 64(6) 1587-1601.
  5. Jia T, Gao C, Cui Y, Wang J, Ding Y, Cai Y, Ueda T, Nakano A and Jiang L* (2013) ARA7(Q69L) expression in transgenic Arabidopsis cells induces the formation of enlarged multivesicular bodies. Journal of Experimental Botany 64(10): 2817-2829.
  6. Shen J, Suen PK, Wang X, Lin Y, Lo SW, Rojo E and Jiang L* (2013) An in vivo expression system for the identification of cargo proteins of vacuolar sorting receptors in Arabidopsis culture cells. Plant Journal 75(6): 1003-1017.
  7. Shen J, Zeng YL, Zhuang X, Sun L, Yao X, Pimpl P and Jiang L* (2013) Organelle pH in the Arabidopsis Endomembrane System. Molecular Plant 6(5): 1419-1437. (Cover Article)
  8. Wang H, Zhuang X, Cai Y, Cheung AY and Jiang L* (2013) Apical F-actin-regulated exocytic targeting of NtPPME1 is essential for construction and rigidity of the pollen tube cell wall. Plant Journal 76(3): 367-379.
  9. Sauer M, Delgadillo MO, Zouhar J, Reynolds GD, Pennington JG, Jiang L, Liljegren SJ, Stierhof YD, De Jaeger G, Otegui MS, Bednarek SY and Rojo E* (2013) MTV1 and MTV4 Encode Plant-Specific ENTH and ARF GAP Proteins That Mediate Clathrin-Dependent Trafficking of Vacuolar Cargo from the Trans-Golgi Network. Plant Cell 25(6): 2217-2235.
  10. Zhuang X, Wang H, Lam SK, Gao C, Wang X, Cai Y and Jiang L* (2013) A BAR-Domain Protein SH3P2, Which Binds to Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate and ATG8, Regulates Autophagosome Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25(11): 4596-4615.



  1. Meng W, Hsiao AS, Gao C, Jiang L and Chye ML* (2014) Subcellular localization of rice acyl-CoA-binding proteins (ACBPs) indicates that OsACBP6::GFP is targeted to the peroxisomes. New Phytologist 203(2): 469-82.
  2. Shen J, Fu J, Ma J, Wang X, Gao C, Zhuang C, Wan J and Jiang L* (2014) Isolation, Culture, and Transient Transformation of Plant Protoplasts. Current Protocols in Cell Biology 63: 8.1-2.8.17.
  3. Gao C, Cai Y, Wang Y, Kang BH, Aniento F, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2014) Retention mechanisms for ER and Golgi membrane proteins. Trends in Plant Science 19(8): 508-515.
  4. Cai Y, Zhuang X, Gao C, Wang X and Jiang L* (2014) The Arabidopsis Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III (ESCRT-III) Regulates Internal Vesicle Formation of Prevacuolar Compartment and Is Required for Plant Development. Plant Physiology 165(3):1328-1343.
  5. Ding Y, WangJ, Lai JHC, Chan VHL, Wang X, CaiY, Tan X, Bao Y, Xia J, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2014) Exo70E2 is essential for exocyst subunit recruitment and for EXPO formation in both plants and animals. Molecular Biology of the Cell 25(3): 412-426.
  6. Chen C, Chen H, Lin YS, Shen JB, Shan JX, Qi P, Shi M, Zhu MZ, Huang XH, Feng Q, Han B, Jiang L, Gao JP* and Lin HX* (2014) A two-locus interaction causes interspecific hybrid weakness in rice. Nature Communications 5: 3357.
  7. Zhuang X and Jiang L* (2014) Autophagosome biogenesis in plants: Roles of SH3P2. Autophagy 10(4): 704-5.
  8. Ma X, Chen Z, Hua D, He D, Wang L, Zhang P, Wang J, Cai Y, Gao C, Zhang X, Zhang F, Wang T, Hong T, Jin L, Qi X, Chen S, Gu X, Yan D, Pan Q, Zhu Y, Chen Y, Chen D, Jiang L, Han X, Zhang Y, Jin J, and Yao X* (2014) Essential role for TrpC5-containing extracellular vesicles in breast cancer with chemotherapeutic resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(17): 6389-94.
  9. Cui Y, Zhao Q, Gao C, Ding Y, Zeng YL, Ueda T, Nakano A and Jiang L* (2014) Activation of the Rab7 GTPase by the MON1-CCZ1 complex is essential for PVC-to-vacuole trafficking and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(5): 2080-97.
  10. Ding Y, Robbinson DG and Jiang L* (2014) Unconventional Protein Secretion (UPS) pathways in plants. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 29: 107-115.
  11. Gao C, Luo M, Zhao Q, Yang R, Cui Y, Zeng Y, Xia J and Jiang L* (2014) A Unique Plant ESCRT Component, FREE1, Regulates Multivesicular Body Protein Sorting and Plant Growth. Current Biology 24(21): 2556-63.
  12. Luo F, Fong YH, Zeng Y, Shen J, Jiang L and Wong KB* (2014) How Vacuolar Sorting Receptor Proteins Interact with Their Cargo Proteins: Crystal Structures of Apo and Cargo-Bound Forms of the Protease-Associated Domain from an Arabidopsis Vacuolar Sorting Receptor. Plant Cell 26(9): 3693-708.
  13. Shen J, Ding Y, Gao C, Rojo E and Jiang L* (2014) N-linked glycosylation of AtVSR1 is important for vacuolar protein sorting in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 80(6): 977-992.
  14. He X, Galpin JD, Miao Y, Jiang L, Grabowski GA and Kermode AR* (2014) Membrane anchors effectively traffic recombinant human glucocerebrosidase to the protein storage vacuole of Arabidopsis seeds but do not adequately control N-glycan maturation. Plant cell reports 33(12): 2023-32.
  15. Li S, He Q, Wang H, Tang X, Ho KW, Gao X, Zhang Qian, Shen Y, Cheung A, Wong F, Wong YH, Ip N Y, Jiang L, Yung WH and Liu K * (2014) Injured adult retinal axons with Pten and Socs3 co-deletion reform active synapses with suprachiasmatic neurons. Neurobiology of Disease 73:366-376.
  16. BOOK Chapter: Gao C, Cai Y, Zhuang X and Jiang L* (2014) Analysis of Prevacuolar Compartment-Mediated Vacuolar Proteins Transport. In Otegui MS (ed.), Plant Endosomes: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 1209 (pp.119-129). Springer Science+Business Media New York.
  17. Wang X, Cai Y, Wang H, Zeng Y, Zhuang X, LiB and Jiang L* (2014) Trans-Golgi network-located AP1 gamma adaptins mediate dileucine motif-directed vacuolar targeting in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(10): 4102-18.
  18. Fang WQ, Chen WW, Jiang L, Liu K, Yung WH, Fu AK, Ip NY* (2014) Overproduction of upper-layer neurons in the neocortex leads to autism-like features in mice. Cell Reports 9(5):1635-43.



  1. Gao C, Zhuang X, Cui Y, Fu X, He Y, Zhao Q, Zeng Y, Shen J, Luo M and Jiang L* (2015) Dual roles of an Arabidopsis ESCRT component FREE1 in regulating vacuolar protein transport and autophagic degradation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(6): 1886-91.
  2. Gao C, Zhao Q and Jiang L* (2015) Vacuoles protect plants from high magnesium stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(10): 2931-2.
  3. BOOK Chapter: Zhuang X and Jiang L* (2015) SH domain proteins in plants: Roles in signaling transduction and membrane trafficking. In Kurochkina N (ed.), SH Domains: Structure, Mechanisms, and Application (pp.17-34). Springer International Publishing.
  4. Zhao Q, Gao C, Lee P, Liu L, Li S, Hu T, Shen J, Pan S, Ye H, Chen Y, Cao W, Cui Y, Zeng P, Yu S, Gao Y, Cheng L, Mo B, Liu X, Xiao S, Zhao Y, Zhong S, Chen X and Jiang L* (2015) Fast-suppressor screening for new components in protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis and silencing pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana using DEX-inducible FREE1-RNAi Journal of Genetics and Genomics 42(6):319-330. (Cover Article)
  5. Du K, Zheng S, Zhang Q, Li S, Gao X, Wang J, Jiang L and Liu K* (2015) Pten deletion promotes regrowth of corticospinal tract axons one year after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience 35(26): 9754-9763.
  6. Tam WY, Jiang L, Kwan KM* (2015) Transmembrane 6 superfamily 1 (Tm6sf1) is a novel lysosomal transmembrane protein. Protoplasma 252(4):977-83.
  7. Zhuang X, Cui Y, Gao C and Jiang L* (2015) Endocytic and autophagic pathways crosstalk in plants.  Current Opinion in Plant Biology 28:39-47.
  8. Lin Y#, Ding Y#, Wang J, Shen J, Kung CH, Zhuang X, Cui Y, Yin Z, Xia Y, Lin H, Robinson DG and Jiang L* (2015) Exocyst-Positive Organelles and Autophagosomes Are Distinct Organelles in Plants. Plant Physiology 169(3):1917-32.
  9. Woo CH, Gao C, Yu P, Tu L, Meng Z, Banfield DK, Yao X and Jiang L* (2015) Conserved Function of the Lysine-based KXD/E Motif in Golgi Retention for Endomembrane Proteins among Different Organisms. Molecular Biology of the Cell 26(23):4280-93.
  10. Zeng Y, Chung KP, Li B, Lai CM, Lam SK, Wang X, Cui Y, Gao C, Luo M, Wong KB, Schekman R and Jiang L* (2015) Unique COPII component AtSar1a/AtSec23a pair is required for the distinct function of protein ER export in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(46):14360-5.



  1. Robinson DG*, Ding Y and Jiang L (2016) Unconventional protein secretion in plants: a critical assessment. Protoplasma 253(1): 31-43.
  2. Klionsky DJ*, Jiang L, et al. (2016) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy 12(1):1-222.
  3. Wan S and Jiang L* (2016) Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the unfolded protein response (UPR) in plants. Protoplasma 253(3):753-64.
  4. Shen J, Gao C, Zhao Q, Lin Y, Wang X, Zhuang X and Jiang L* (2016) AtBRO1 functions in ESCRT-I complex to regulate multivesicular body protein sorting. Molecular Plant 9(5): 760-763.
  5. Cui Y, Shen J, Gao C, Zhuang X, Wang J and Jiang L* (2016) Biogenesis of Plant Prevacuolar Multivesicular Bodies. Molecular Plant 9(6):774-86. (Cover Article)
  6. Sancho-Andrés G, Soriano-Ortega E, GAO C, Bernabé-Orts JM, Narasimhan M, Müller A, Tejos R, Jiang L, Friml J, Aniento F and Marcote MJ* (2016) Sorting motifs involved in the trafficking and localization of the PIN1 auxin efflux carrier. Plant Physiology 171(3):1965-82.
  7. Wang X, Zhong F, Woo CH, Miao Y, Grusak MA, Zhang X, Tu J, Wong YS and Jiang L* (2017) A rapid and efficient method to study the function of crop plant transporters in Arabidopsis. Protoplasma 254(2):737–747.
  8. Wang J, Ding Y, Zhuang X, Hu S and Jiang L* (2016) Protein Co-localization Studies – Issues and Considerations. Molecular Plant 9(8):1221-3.
  9. Chung KP, Zeng Y and Jiang L* (2016) COPII paralogs in plants: functional redundancy or diversity? Trends in Plant Science 21(9):758-69.
  10. Tan X, Cao K, Liu F, Li Y, Li P, Gao C, Ding Y, Lan Z, Shi Z, Rui Q, Feng Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Wu C, Qian Zhang , Li Y, Jiang L and Bao Y* (2016) ArabidopsisCOG Complex Subunits COG3 and COG8 Modulate Golgi Morphology, Vesicle Trafficking Homeostasis and Are Essential for Pollen Tube Growth. PLOS Genetics 12(7):e1006140.
  11. Belda-Palazon B, Rodriguez L, Fernandez MA, Castillo MC, Anderson EA, Gao C, González-Guzmán M, Peirats-Llobet M, Zhao Q, De Winne N, Gevaert K, De Jaeger G, Jiang L, Leon J, Mullen R, and Rodriguez PL* (2016) FYVE1/FREE1 interacts with the PYL4 ABA Receptor and Mediates its Delivery to the Vacuolar Degradation Pathway. Plant Cell 28(9): 2291-2311.
  12. Chen H, Chu P, Zhou Y, Ding Y, Li Y, Liu J, Jiang L, Huang S* (2016) Ectopic-expression of NnPER1, a Nelumbo nucifera 1-cysteine peroxiredoxin antioxidant, enhances seed longevity and stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 88(4):608-619.
  13. Lau EOC, Lo CY, Yao Y, Mak AFT, Jiang L, Huang Y and Yao X* (2016) Aortic Baroreceptors Display Higher Mechanosensitivity than Carotid Baroreceptors. Frontiers in Physiology 7: article384.
  14. Wang H, Zhuang X, Wang X, Law AH, Zhao T, Du S, Loy MM and Jiang L* (2016) A Distinct Pathway for Polar Exocytosis for Plant Cell Wall Formation. Plant Physiology 172(2):1003-1018.
  15. *Zhuang X, Chung KP and Jiang L* (2016) Origin of the Autophagosomal Membrane in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: article1655.
  16. Book Chapter: Cui Y, Gao C, Zhao Q and Jiang L* (2016) Using Fluorescent Protein Fusions to Study Protein Subcellular Localization and Dynamics in Plant Cells. In Schwartzbach SD, et al. (eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology 1474 (pp. 113-123). Springer Science+Business Media New York.
  17. Book Chapter: Wang X, Chung KP and Jiang L* (2016) Vacuole Biogenesis in Plants. In Assmann S and Liu B (eds.), Plant Cell Biology 20 (pp. 1-24). Springer Science+Business Media New York.



  1. Gimeno-Ferrer F, Pastor-Cantizano N, Bernat-Silvestre C, Selvi-Martinez P, Vera-Sirera F, Gao C, Perez-Amador M, Jiang L, Aniento F* and Marcote MJ* (2017) α2-COP is involved in early secretory traffic in Arabidopsis and is required for plant growth. Journal of Experimental Botany 68(3): 391-401.
  2. Cui Y, Zhao Q, Xie HT, Wong WS, Wang X, Gao C, Ding Y, Tan Y, Ueda T, Zhang Y and Jiang L* (2017) MONENSIN SENSITIVITY 1 (MON1)/CALCIUM CAFFEINE ZINC SENSITIVITY 1 (CCZ1)-mediated Rab7 activation regulates tapetal programmed cell death and pollen development. Plant Physiology 173(1):206-218.
  3. Zhuang X, Chung KP, Cui Y, Lin W, Gao C, Kang BH and Jiang L* (2017) ATG9 regulates autophagosome progression from the endoplasmic reticulum in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(3): E426–E435.
  4. Jin Y, Ye N, Zhu F, Li H, Wang J, Jiang L and Zhang J* (2017) Calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 targets the methionine adenosyltransferases for degradation by the 26S proteasome and affects ethylene biosynthesis and lignin deposition in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 90(2): 304–318.
  5. Wang J, Wang Y, Gao C, Jiang L and Guo D* (2017) PPero, a Computational Model for Plant PTS1 Type Peroxisomal Protein Prediction. PloS one 12(1): e0168912.
  6. Wang HJ, Hsu YW, Guo CL, Jane WN, Wang H, Jiang L and Jauh GY* (2017) VPS36-Dependent Multivesicular Bodies Are Critical for Plasmamembrane Protein Turnover and Vacuolar Biogenesis. Plant Physiology 173(1): 566-581.
  7. Zhuang X, Chung KP and Jiang L* (2017) Targeting tail-anchored proteins into plant organelles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(8): 1762–64.
  8. Qi H, Xia FN, Xie LJ, Yu LJ, Chen QF, Zhuang XH, Wang Q, Li F, Jiang L, Xie Q and Xiao S* (2017) TRAF-Family Proteins Regulate Autophagy Dynamics by Modulating AUTOPHAGY PROTEIN6 Stability in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 29(4): 890-911.
  9. Ahn G, Kim H, Kim DH, Hanh H, Yoon Y, Singaram I, Wijesinghe KJ, Johnson KA, Zhuang X, Liang Z, Stahelin RV, Jiang L, Cho W, Kang BH and Hwang I* (2017) SH3 domain-containing protein 2 Plays a Crucial Role at the Step of Membrane Tubulation during Cell Plate Formation. Plant Cell 29(6):1388-1405.
  10. Lui NC, Tam WY, Gao C, Huang JD, Wang CC, Jiang L, Yung WH and Kwan KM* (2017) Lhx1/5 control dendritogenesis and spine morphogenesis of Purkinje cells via regulation of Espin. Nature Communications 8: 15079.
  11. Lu H, Cui Y, Jiang L and Ge W* (2017) Functional analysis of nuclear estrogen receptors (nERs) in zebrafish reproduction by genome editing approach. Endocrinology 158(7): 2292-2308.
  12. Gao C, Zhuang X, Shen J and Jiang L* (2017) Plant ESCRT Complexes: Moving Beyond Endosomal Sorting. Trends in Plant Science 22(11): 986-998.
  13. BOOK: Jiang L (Ed.) (2017) Plant Protein Secretion: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology Springer Science+Business Media.
  14. BOOK Chapter: Wang H and Jiang L* (2017) Polar Protein Exocytosis: Lessons from Plant Pollen Tube. In Obermeyer G and Feijó J (eds), Pollen Tip Growth (pp.107-127). Springer International Publishing.




  1. Chung KP, Zeng Y, Li Y, Ji C, Xia Y and Jiang L* (2018) Signal motifs-dependent ER export of Qc-SNARE BET12 interacts with MEMB12 and affects PR1 trafficking in Arabidopsis. Journal of Cell Science 131(2): jcs202838.
  2. Sun L, Meng Z, Zhu Y, Lu J, Li Z, Zhao Q, Huang Y, Jiang L and Yao X* (2018) TM9SF4 is a novel factor promoting autophagic flux under amino acid starvation. Cell Death and Differentiation 25(2):368-379
  3. Lu J, Boheler KR, Jiang L, Chan CW, Tse WW, Keung W, Poon ENY, Li RA and Yao X* (2018) Polycystin-2 Plays an Essential Role in Glucose Starvation Induced Autophagy in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells 36(4):501-513.
  4. Fan L, Zhao L, Hu W, Li W, Novak O, Strnad M, Simon S, Friml J, Shen J, Jiang L and Q Qiu* (2018) Na+, K+/H+ antiporters regulate the pH of endoplasmic reticulum and auxin‐mediated development. Plant, Cell & Environment 41: 850–864.
  5. Soto-Burgos J, Zhuang X, Jiang L and Bassham DC* (2018) Dynamics of Autophagosome Formation. Plant Physiology 176(1): 219-229.
  6. Wang X, Chung KP, Lin W and Jiang L* (2018) Protein secretion in plants: conventional and unconventional pathways and new techniques. Journal of Experimental Botany 69(1): 21-37.
  7. Cheng A, Zhao T, Tse KH, Chow HM, Cui Y, Jiang L, Du S, Loy MMT and Herrup K* (2018) ATM and ATR play complimentary roles in the behavior of excitatory and inhibitory vesicle populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(2): e292-e301.
  8. Kwon Y, Shen J, Lee M, Geem KR, Jiang L and Hwang I* (2018) AtCAP2 is crucial for lytic vacuole biogenesis during germination by positively regulating vacuolar protein trafficking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(7): E1675-E1683.
  9. Zeng Y, Shen J, Li B and Jiang L* (2018) Hormone modulates protein dynamics to regulate plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(14): 3521-3523.
  10. Zhuang X*, Chung KP, Luo M and Jiang L* (2018) Autophagosome Biogenesis and the Endoplasmic Reticulum: A Plant Perspective. Trends in Plant Science 23(8):677-692.
  11. Wang H, Zhao Q, Fu J, Wang X and Jiang L* (2018) Re-assessment of biolistic transient expression: An efficient and robust method for protein localization studies in seedling-lethal mutant and juvenile plants. Plant Science 274: 2-7. (Cover Article)
  12. Li Z, Meng Z, Lu J, Chen FM, Wong WT, Tse G, Zheng C, Keung W, Tse K, Li RA, Jiang L and Yao X* (2018) TRPV6 protects ER stress-induced apoptosis via ATF6α-TRPV6-JNK pathway in human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 120: 1-11.
  13. Ma T, Li B, Wang R, Lau PK, Huang Y, Jiang L, Schekman R and Guo Y* (2018) A mechanism for differential sorting of the planar cell polarity proteins Frizzled6 and Vangl2 at the trans-Golgi network. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293(22): 8410-8427.
  14. Li E, Cui Y, Ge FR, Chai S, Zhang WT, Feng QN, Jiang L, Li S* and Zhang Y* (2018) AGC1.5 Kinase Phosphorylates RopGEFs to Control Pollen Tube Growth. Molecular Plant 11(9):1198-1209.
  15. Koon A, Chen Z, Peng S, Fung J, Zhang X, Lembke K, Chow HK, Frank CA, Jiang L, Lau KF, and Chan HY* (2018) Drosophila Exo70 is essential for neurite extension and survival under thermal stress. Journal of Neuroscience 38(37):8071-8086.
  16. Shen J*, Zhao Q, Wang X, Gao C, Zhu Y, Zeng Y and Jiang L* (2018) A Plant Bro1 Domain Protein BRAF Regulates Multivesicular Body Biogenesis and Membrane Protein Homeostasis. Nature Communications 9(1):3784.
  17. BOOK: Kermode AR (Ed.) and Jiang L (Asso. Ed.) (2018) Molecular Pharming: Applications, Challenges and Emerging Areas. John Wiley & Sons.
    Shen J, Wang X and Jiang L* (2018) Seeds as Bioreactors. In Kermode AR (Ed.), Molecular Pharming: Applications, Challenges and Emerging Areas (1st Edition) (pp.93-118). John Wiley & Sons.
  18. Zhu X, Pan T, Zhang X, Fan L, Quintero FJ, Zhao H, Su X, Li X, Villalta I, Mendoza I, Shen J, Jiang L, Pardo JM and Qiu QS* (2018) K+ Efflux Antiporters 4, 5, and 6 Mediate pH and K+ Homeostasis in Endomembrane Compartments. Plant Physiology 178(4):1657-1678.
  19. Cui Y*,He Y, Cao W, Gao J, and Jiang L*(2018) The multivesicular body and autophagosome pathways in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1837



  1. Ge C, Gao C, Chen Q, Jiang L and Zhao Y*(2019) ESCRT-dependent vacuolar sorting and degradation of the auxin biosynthetic enzyme YUC1 flavin monooxygenase. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 61(9):968-973
  2. Cui Y*, Cao W, He Y, Zhao Q, Wakazaki M, Zhuang X, Gao J, Zeng Y, Gao C, Ding Y, Wong HY, Wong WS, Lam HK, Wang P, Ueda T, Rojas-Pierce M, Toyooka K, Kang BH and Jiang L* (2019) A whole-cell electron tomography model of vacuole biogenesis in Arabidopsis root cells. Nature Plants 5(1):95-105. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Zhaosheng Kong, Steven Tyerman, Diane Bassham)
  3. Huang S, Jiang L and Zhuang X* (2019) Possible Roles of Membrane Trafficking Components for Lipid Droplet Dynamics in Higher Plants and Green Algae. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:207.
  4. Li H, Li Y, Zhao Q, Li T, Wei J, Li B, Shen W, Yang C, Zeng Y, Rodriguez P, Zhao Y, Jiang L*, Wang X* and Gao C* (2019) The Plant ESCRT Component FREE1 Shuttles to the Nucleus to Attenuate Abscisic Acid Signaling. Nature Plants 5(5):512-524.
  5. He Y, Yan L, Ge C, Yao XF, Han X, Wang R, Xiong L, Jiang L, Liu CM and Zhao Y* (2019) PINOID is required for formation of the stigma and style in rice. Plant Physiology 180(2):926-936.
  6. Zhao Q*, Shen J, Gao C, Cui Y, Wang Y, Cui J, Cheng L, Cao W, Zhu Y, Huang S, Zhou Q, Leong CK, Leung KP, Chen X and Jiang L* (2019) RST1 is a FREE1 suppressor that negatively regulates vacuolar trafficking in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 31(9):2152-2168. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Marisa Otegui)
  7. Zhuang X* and Jiang L (2019) Chloroplast Degradation: Multiple Routes Into the Vacuole. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 359.
  8. BOOK Chapter: Zhao Q, Zhu Y, Cao W, Shen J, Cui Y, Huang S and Jiang L* (2019) Genetic Suppressor Screen Using an Inducible FREE1-RNAi Line to Detect ESCRT Genetic Interactors in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Culetto E and Legouis R (eds.), The ESCRT Complexes: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 1998 (pp.273-289). Springer Science+Business Media.
  9. Zeng Y*, Li B*, Lin Y and Jiang L* (2019) The interplaybetween endomembranesand autophagy in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 52:14-22.
  10. Zeng Y*, Li B*, Zhang W and Jiang L* (2019) ER-phagy and ER Stress Response (ERSR) in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:1192.
  11. 钱前, 漆小泉, 林荣呈, 杨淑华, 董爱武, 左建儒, 陈凡, 萧浪涛, 顾红雅, 陈之端, 白永飞, 王小菁, 王雷, 姜里文, 种康, 王台 (2019) 2018年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展. 植物学报 54: 405–440.
  12. Huang D, Sun Y, Ma Z, Ke M, Cui Y, Chen Z, Chen C, Ji C, Tran TM, Yang L, Lam SM, Han Y, Shu G, Friml J, Miao Y, Jiang L and Chen X* (2019) Salicylic acid-mediated plasmodesmal closure via Remorin-dependent lipid organization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(42):21274-21284. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Ivo Feussner with Agnieszka Zienkiewicz)
  13. Lai LTF, Ye H, Zhang W, Jiang L and Lau WCY* (2019) Structural biology and electron microscopy of the autophagy molecular machinery. Cells 8(12): 1627.



  1. Cui Y*, Gao J, He Y, and Jiang L* (2020) Plant Extracellular Vesicles. Protoplasma 257(1):3-12.
  2. Hu S*, Ye H, Cui Y and Jiang L* (2020) AtSec62 is critical for plant development and is involved in ER-phagy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62(2):181-200. (Cover Article) (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Federica Brandizz)
  3. Lai LTF, Yu C, Wong JSK, Lo HS, Benlekbir S, Jiang L and Lau WCY* (2020) Subnanometer resolution cryo-EM structure of Arabidopsis thaliana ATG9. Autophagy 16(3):575-583. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Fulvio Reggiori)
  4. Wang X*, Xu M, Gao C, Zeng Y, Cui Y, Shen W* and Jiang L (2020) The roles of endomembrane trafficking in plant abiotic stress responses. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62(1):55-69.
  5. Cui Y*, Zhao Q, Hu S and Jiang L* (2020) Vacuole Biogenesis in Plants: How Many Vacuoles, How Many Models? Trends in Plant Science 25(6): 538-548.
  6. Liao P, Leung KP, Lung SC, Panthapulakkal Narayanan S, Jiang L and Chye ML* (2020) Subcellular Localisation of Rice Acyl-CoA-Binding Proteins ACBP4 and ACBP5 Supports Their Non-redundant Roles in Lipid Metabolism. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 331.
  7. Ye H#, Ji C#, Guo R*# and Jiang L* (2020) Membrane Contact Sites and Organelles Interaction in Plant Autophagy. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 477.
  8. Delgadillo MO, Ruano G, Zouhar J, Sauer M, Shen J, Lazarova A, Sanmartín M, Lai LTF, Deng C, Wang P, Hussey PJ, Sánchez-Serrano JJ, Jiang L and Rojo E* (2020) MTV proteins unveil ER- and microtubule-associated compartments in the plant vacuolar trafficking pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(18):9884-9895. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Diane Bassham)
  9. BOOK Chapter: Luo M*, Zhu Y, Liu Z and Jiang L* (2020) Analysis of Membrane Proteins Transport from Endosomal Compartments to Vacuoles. In Marisa S. Otegui (ed.), Plant Endosomes: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 2177 (pp.15-21). Springer Science+Business Media.
  10. Cheung KCP, Fanti S, Mauro C, Wang G, Nair AS, Fu H, Angeletti S, Spoto S, Fogolari M, Romano F, Aksentijevic D, Liu W, Li B, Cheng L, Jiang L, Vuononvirta J, Poobalasingam TR, Smith DM, Ciccozzi M, Solito E, Marelli-Berg FM* (2020) Preservation of microvascular barrier function requires CD31 receptor-induced metabolic reprogramming. Nature Communications 11(1):3595.
  11. Zhu Y#, Ji C#, Cao W, Shen J, Zhao Q and Jiang L* (2020) Identification and characterization of unconventional membrane protein trafficking regulators in Arabidopsis: A genetic approach. Journal of Plant Physiology 252:153229.
  12. Tang X, Zhang L, Ma T, Wang M, Li B, Jiang L, Yan Y and Guo Y* (2020) Molecular mechanisms that regulate export of the planar cell-polarity protein Frizzled-6 out of the endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295(27):8972-8987.
  13. Ji CY, Zhou J, Guo R, Lin Y, Kung CH, Hu S, Ng WY, Zhuang XH and Jiang L* (2020) AtNBR1 is a selective autophagic receptor for AtExo70E2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 84(2):777-791.
  14. Stephani M, Picchianti L, Gajic A, Beveridge R, Skarwan E, Sanchez de Medina Hernandez V, Mohseni A, Clavel M, Zeng Y, Naumann C, Matuszkiewicz M, Turco E, Loefke C, Li B, Durnberger G, Schutzbier M, Chen HT, Abdrakhmanov A, Savova A, Chia K-S, Djamei A, Schaffner I, Abel S, Jiang L, Mechtler K, Ikeda F, Martens S, Clausen T and Dagdas Y (2020) A cross-kingdom conserved er-phagy receptor maintains endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis during stress. eLife 9:e58396. (Recommendation by Faculty Opinions, Hyung Don Ryoo, Marisa Otegui, Fulvio Reggiori)
  15. Xia FN, Zeng B, Liu HS, Qi H, Xie LJ, Yu LJ, Chen QF, Li JF, Chen YQ, Jiang L and Xiao S* (2020) SINAT E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Mediate FREE1 and VPS23A Degradation to Modulate Abscisic Acid Signaling. Plant Cell 32(10):3290-3310.
  16. Xiao Z, Yang C, Liu C, Yang L, Yang S, Zhou J, Li F, Jiang L, Xiao S, Gao C* and Shen W* (2020) SINAT E3 ligases regulate the stability of the ESCRT component FREE1 in response to iron deficiency in plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62(9):1399-1417.
  17. Zhao Q, Li J, Ko WH, Kwan YW, Jiang L, Sun L* and Yao X* (2020) TRPM2 promotes autophagic degradation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Scientific Reports 10(1):20719.



  1. Lin Y, Guo R, Ji C*, Zhou J* and Jiang L* (2021) New insights into AtNBR1 as a selective autophagy cargo receptor in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 1839226.
  2. Vong KL, Ma TC, Li B, Leung TC, Nong WY, Ngai SM, Hui JHL, Jiang L and Kwan KM* (2021) SOX9-COL9A3–dependent regulation of choroid plexus epithelial polarity governs blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier integrity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(6): e2009568118.
  1. Cheng L, Zeng Y, Hu S, Zhang N, Cheung KCP, Li B, Leung KS and Jiang L* (2021) Systematic prediction of autophagy-related proteins using Arabidopsis thaliana interactome data. Plant Journal 105: 708–720.
  2. BOOK Chapter: Zeng Y, Ji C, Lin Y and Jiang L (2021) Transient Expression of Fluorescent Fusion Proteins in Arabidopsis Protoplasts In: Sanchez-Serrano J.J., Salinas J. (eds) Arabidopsis Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 2200:157-165. Humana, New York, NY.
  1. Liu Z, Gao J, Cui Y, Klumpe S, Xiang Y, Erdmann PS and Jiang L* (2021) Membrane Imaging in the Plant Endomembrane System. Plant Physiology 185: 562–576. (Cover Article)
  2. Klionsky DJ*, Jiang L, et al. (2021) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy 17(1):1-382.
  3. Hong L, Niu F*, Lin Y, Wang S, Chen L* and Jiang L (2021) MYB106 is a negative regulator and a substrate for CRL3 BPM E3 ligase in regulating flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63(6):1104-1119.
  4. Wang X, Balamurugan S, Liu SF, Ji CY, Liu YH, Yang WD, Jiang L and Li HY* (2021) Hydrolysis of organophosphorus by diatom purple acid phosphatase and sequential regulation of cell metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 72(8):2918-2932.
  5. BOOK Chapter: Shen J*, Wang X* and Jiang L (2021) Exocytosis, Endocytosis and Membrane Recycling in Plant Cells. In Essential for Life Science. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (Ed.). 1(3)
  6. Ma J, Liang Z, Zhao J, Wang P, Ma W, Mai KK, Fernandez Andrade JA, Zeng Y, Grujic N, Jiang L, Dagdas Y* and Kang BH* (2021) Friendly mediates membrane depolarization-induced mitophagy in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 31(9):1931-1944.
  7. Liu C, Zeng Y, Li H, Yang C, Shen W, Xu M, Xiao Z, Chen T, Li B, Cao W, Jiang L, Otegui M and GAO C* (2021) A Plant Unique ESCRT Component, FYVE4, Regulates Multivesicular Endosome Biogenesis and Plant Growth. New Phytologist 231(1):193-209.
  8. Lin Y, Zeng Y, Zhu Y, Shen J, Ye H and Jiang L* (2021) Plant Rho GTPase signaling promotes autophagy. Molecular Plant 14(6):905-920.
  9. Hong L, Niu F*, Lin Y, Wang S, Chen L* and Jiang L (2021) MYB117 is a negative regulator of flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 16(5):1901448.
  10. Zeng Y*, Li B, Ji C, Feng L, Niu F, Deng C, Chen S, Lin Y, Cheung KCP, Shen J, Wong KB and Jiang L* (2021) A unique AtSar1D-AtRabD2a nexus modulates autophagosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(17):e2021293118.
  11. Voon CP, Law YS, Guan X, , Lim SL, Xu Z, Chu WT, Zhang R, Sun F, Mathias Labs, Pribil M, Leister D, Hronková M, Kubásek J, Cui Y, Jiang L, Tsuyama M, Gardeström P, Tikkanen M and Lim BL* (2021) Modulating the activities of chloroplasts and mitochondria promotes ATP production and plant growth. Quantitative Plant Biology 2:e7, 1–10.
  12. Yu C, Leung SKP, Zhang W, Lai LTF, Chan YK, Wong MC, Benlekbir S, Cui Y, Jiang L and Lau WCY* (2021) Structural basis of substrate recognition and thermal protection by a small heat shock protein. Nature Communications 12(1):3007.
  13. 顾红雅, 左建儒, 漆小泉, 杨淑华, 陈之端, 钱前, 林荣呈, 王雷, 萧浪涛, 王小菁, 陈凡, 姜里文, 白永飞, 种康, 王台(2021) 2020年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展. 植物学报56, 119–133.
  14. Li B#, Zeng Y#, Cao W, Zhang W, Cheng L, Yin H, Wu Q, Wang X, Huang Y, Lau WCY, Yao ZP, Guo Y* and Jiang L* (2021) A distinct giant coat protein complex II vesicle population in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Plants 7(10):1335-1346.
  15. Liu S, Mok BW, Deng S, Liu H, Wang P, Song W, Chen P, Huang X, Zheng M, Lau SY, Cremin CJ, Tam CY, Li B, Jiang L, Chen Y, Yuen KY and Chen H (2021) Mammalian cells use the autophagy process to restrict avian influenza virus replication. Cell Reports 35(10):109213.
  16. Zeng Y and Jiang L* (2021) A Unique COPII Population in Plant Autophagy. Autophagy 17(7):1785-1787.
  17. Huang Y#, Yin H#, Li B#, Wu Q, Liu Y, Poljak K, Maldutyte J, Tang X, Wang M, Wu Z, Miller EA, Jiang L, Yao Z* and Guo Y* (2021) An in vitro vesicle formation assay reveals cargo clients and factors that mediate vesicular trafficking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(35):e2101287118.
  18. Sun S, Feng L, Chung KP, Lee KM, Cheung HH, Luo M, Ren K, Law KC, Jiang L, Wong KB and Zhuang X* (2021) Mechanistic insights into an atypical interaction between ATG8 and SH3P2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Autophagy 18(6):1350-1366.
  19. Yu H, Xie M, Meng Z, Lo CY, Chan FL, Jiang L, Meng X* and Yao X* (2021) Endolysosomal ion channel MCOLN2 (Mucolipin-2) promotes prostate cancer progression via IL-1β/NF-κB pathway. British Journal of Cancer 125(10):1420-1431.
  20. Yang L*, Gao C* and Jiang L* (2022) Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase AtORPK1 promotes oxidative stress resistance in an AtORPK1-AtKAPP mediated module in Arabidopsis. Plant Science 315:111147.
  21. Tsao HE, Lui SN, Lo AHF, Chen S, Wong HY, Wong CK, Jiang L and Wong KB* (2022) Structural insights into how vacuolar sorting receptors recognize the sorting determinants of seed storage proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(1):e2111281119.



  1. Weijers D*, Bezanilla M, Jiang L, Roeder AHK and Williams M* (2022) Back to the roots: A focus on plant cell biology. Plant Cell 34(1):1-3.
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