School of Life Sciences

Jiang's lab

Prof. Jiang joined CUHK Biology as an Assistant Professor in 2000 and was promoted as Professor in 2007. Professor Jiang is currently Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences of School of Life Sciences and Director of RGC-AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function, and Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology. rofessor Jiang’s research team has been working on the underlying mechanisms of protein transport, organelle biogenesis and function in plants for 21 years at CUHK, and has been internationally recognized as a leading group in the field.

Recent Publications

The Arabidopsis ORP2A Mediates ER-Autophagosomal Membrane Contact Sites and Regulates PI3P in Plant Autophagy (PNAS, Ye et al., 2022)

ADP-ribosylation factor D1 modulates Golgi morphology, cell plate formation, and plant growth in Arabidopsis (Plant Physiology, Niu et al., 2022)

VAMP724 and VAMP726 are involved in autophagosome formation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Autophagy, He et al., 2022)

The plant ESCRT component FREE1 regulates peroxisome-mediated turnover of lipid droplets in germinating Arabidopsis seedlings (Plant Cell, Huang et al., 2022)

COPII vesicles in plant autophagy and endomembrane trafficking (FEBS Letters, Li et al., 2022)

Correlation of vacuole morphology with stomatal lineage development by whole-cell electron tomography (Plant Physiology, Cao et al., 2022)

A Unique COPII Population in Plant Autophagy (Autophagy, Zeng et al., 2021)

A distinct giant coat protein complex II vesicle population in Arabidopsis thaliana (Nature Plants, Li et al., 2021)

Current Members
Prof. Jiang Liwen
Professor, School of Life Sciences
Angela Yu
Laboratory Manager
Vivian Chan
Administrative Staff
Jenny Lai
Administrative Staff
Louise Lo
Laboratory Technician
Niu Fangfang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Liang Zizhen
Postdoctoral Fellow
YUEN Wing Man
Research Assistant
Liu Zhiqi
Postgraduate Student
Gao Jiayang
Postgraduate Student
Fan Chudi
Postgraduate Student
Wang Weiqi
Postgraduate Student
Mgbechidinma Chiamaka Linda
Postgraduate Student
Zhu Ying
PhD Graduate at 2022
Luo Mengqian
PhD Graduate at 2022
Ye Hao
PhD Graduate at 2021
Hong Liu
PhD Graduate at 2021
Lin Youshun
PhD Graduate at 2021
Ji Changyang
PhD Graduate at 2021
He Yilin
PhD Graduate at 2020
Cao Wenhan
PhD Graduate at 2020
Hu Shuai
PhD Graduate at 2020
Huang Shuxian
PhD Graduate at 2020
Li Baiying
PhD Graduate at 2019
Chung Kin Pan
PhD Graduate at 2017
Zeng Yonglun
PhD Graduate at 2016
Awards Received by Students
Li Baiying
2021 Young Scientist Award in Life Science, Hong Kong Institue of Science
Hong Liu
Postgraduate Teaching Award 2019-2020, CUHK
Luo Mengqian
Postgraduate Teaching Award 2017-2018, CUHK
Zeng Yonglun
Best Presentation Award, SKL/IPMBAB Seminar Series 2015